წარმოგიდგენთ ბათუმის ბულვარის 2020 წლის ღონისძიებების კალენდარს.
დასახელება | აღწერა | თარიღი |
ხელოვნების ფესტივალი | ფოლკლორული და ქორეოგრაფიული ანსამბლების მონაწილეობით | 15 აგვისტო |
From August 2 to August 6 we invite you to join us near Alphabet Tower to try well-known Georgian wines and Chacha (grape Vodka) made by local Georgian wineries.
Lovers of Tango are invited to attend a nice evening at Colonnades of Batumi Boulevard on August 24 at 7 pm.
Georgian Film Days - Biaffiada in Batumi Boulevard from August 2.
On April 20 The Great Batumi Night Race will kick off!
Batumi Boulevard is the main and most visited sightseeing of the city. The recreation zone, which at the same time is a cultural heritage monument, for centuries, has unites the city's guests or native inhabitants. It involves a seven-kilometer seaside promenade, 4 historic alleys, bike path, and more than 40 thousand tree-plants planted at different times on the area. Batumi Boulevard, with its historical meaning and continuous development cycle, became a visiting card of our city where everyone finds their place.